Welcome to GSD Gaming

Hello and welcome to GSD Gaming (Godz Sacred Defenders) Our record is 63-3. WE BEAT BMS!!! We do clan battles all the time. Please message GSD x Silent. We are a COD-Halo and GOW 2 were recuiting currently as of DEC 6th we accept new people please send GSD x Silent a message on XBL or feel free to comment. Also click the follow butten please. we made a new tab. go check it out. ALSO ATTENTION COLEADER CHANGED GT GSD x Wild

We are back in the black. GSD x Silent got Black ops fixed!

Clan Practices and fun stuff to do with us.

Our practices are mondays at 8

our fun events are:

January 14th at 3
that is
Cops and Robbers
Michael Myers
QS lobbys

I will add more.